The Other Moving Company collects 541 pounds of food at ‘Front Porch Drive’
As a leader among moving companies in Virginia, The Other Moving Company (TOMCO) recently coordinated a “Front Porch Food Drive” in Hayes, VA, specifically in the Seawell’s Trace subdivision.
Owners, Brian and Jennifer Hudgins, volunteered along with others to walk through the neighborhood and collect donation bags of food. The “Front Porch Food Drive” resulted in 541 pounds of food being collected.
TOMCO released the following statement on the event…
“We just want to thank our community and everyone who contributed their time and donations. The COVID-19 Pandemic has led to an estimated 17 million more Americans struggling with hunger and your donations are helping feed those families in need during a very difficult time in our country.”
North American Van Lines & Move For Hunger
The “Front Porch Food Drive” event was co-hosted by North American Van Lines and Move for Hunger, a national nonprofit organization. TOMCO is a proud agent of North American Van Lines, which has over 30 agents across the United States that participates in the food drive.
Volunteers visited each home in the Seawell’s Trace neighborhood on April 5th, leaving a brown bag with information attached about the food drive. Once the bags were filled, they were then collected by the Bread of Life Community Food Pantry.